Belief in one’s self

“Still I rise” by Maya Angelou

“Still I rise” is written by an african american women, Maya Angelou, and she talks about her self belief and how it helped her overcome her struggles she faced throughout her abusive life. She shows her past and what society has done and how we stereotype people just because the colour of their skin.

I think she wrote it because she wanted to prove after everything she has been through she will continue to rise above others who bring her down, just because the colour of her skin.

The metaphor “You may shoot me with your eyes” is significant because it is showing how hurtful a stare or look can be. It shows that this is how people of colour will feel day to day and what effect it can have, one hurtful look can do a lot. This quote is important to the poem because it puts into perspective what it can feel like. “shoot me with your eyes” tells us what people have the power to do.

The significance of the simile “But still, like air, I’ll rise” is that she is unbothered by the racism and will continue to rise. Air will always rise and we don’t have an effect on it. Maya Angelou was showing that she will always rise above others and all the racist remarks she experiences wont bring her down. “but still” was her believing in herself and pushing away everything and again, she will rise.

The metaphor “I’m a black ocean, leaping and wide” is important to the poem because she is proving she is unstoppable and able to beat anything. An ocean is one of the biggest things, open and capable of doing many bad things. This line makes the audience feel that the Maya is more powerful and strong, after her past.

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